Vastu Shastra Consultant in Hyderabad

Vastu Consultants in Secunderabad

Vastu Consultants in Secunderabad

Vasthu Shastra is an old Indian system of architecture used for building structures to be in alignment with that of nature. It literally translates to the “science of architecture”, which includes designs, measurements, layouts, space arrangements, spatial geometry, natural planetary, and elemental sciences to be considered while constructing any building structures so that we do not obstruct the natural energy flows. There is a certain energy to all the elements in nature which when understood and applied can benefit us in more than one way.

Vasthu Shastra’s relevance today has increased furthermore as more and more people are referring to and consulting Vasthu experts before constructing any building. As a result, a great deal of articles on Vasthu is seen in the market. A bombardment of Vasthu consultants in Secunderabad is making it difficult to choose the best ones. Especially in a growing metropolitan city like Hyderabad, a search for an experienced and truly knowledgeable Vasthu specialist is strenuous and hard to find.

Late Mr. Vasthu Subramanyam was a very renowned Vasthu consultant, who is familiar to all celebrities and politicians in India and many countries like Dubai, Kenya, etc. Born in the year 1928, He Remarkably served society through print media and Vasthu consulting. At the age of 22, he stepped into the print media, as he learned all the skills needed for it.

In the year 1960, he joined the evening course in Nizam College Hyderabad and completed his Graduation. He was also a disciple of 11 Peetadhipathi’s in Shaiva Matha temple which evolved before 100 years. Besides Paper publishing, As a best Vastu consultant, he is one of the best Vastu consultants in Secunderabad. He has helped many reputed people not only in India but in other countries like Kenya, Cyprus, Dubai. Beginning from the common people he has helped professionals, Chief Ministers, Ministers, MPs, and many other officials.